I will be soon on a new move. This morning I received an email from my housing agency that I need to vacate my apartment before 12 noon on 31st March 2011. I need to start organizing my belongings if I do not want to get stressed like in Leuven. I know where I am heading for next three months but I don't know what future holds after July 2011. Where do I make my next home? I see it unlikely that I will settle down in Italy for longer than three months. Yes it is a place I want to be in, for its pleasure of food and relaxed life style but I don't see myself leading an Italian life for ever. I am too restless a person to live in Italy in long run. But very soon, I am going to embark on a new journey, some 1200 kms of road trip from Nijmegen in south eastern border of the Netherlands to Padova in Northern Italy. April to June, destination Padova, wonder how different is Italian Spring?
I sat on my reclining chair, staring blindly at the roof of my apartment. It is already six weeks that I am here and in another six weeks, it is time to say goodbye. I feel overwhelmed at the thought of saying goodbyes. Nijmegen, what do I say about you. After gloomy depressed winter of my life in Leuven, I slowly found my strength and voice in Nijmegen, surely irritated some of my classmates. Nijmegen became integral part of my plans for ethics research, numerous emails and phone calls to set appointments with my Dutch research respondents. In next few weeks, my research will take me all over Netherlands, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Haarlem, Delft... This is my first research outside my country and I am looking forward to this experience. The topic is fascinating, quite at the heart of Dutch Public Debate these days and I am impressed with the cooperation that I receive from people around me. I have never had so many doors opened for me in India, but here, they are more than willing to collaborate with me and are curious why I should feel so interested in this Dutch topic. Being a foreigner definitely has some advantage here. There are few other cities on my list now apart from Amsterdam who have potential to become my next home. Maastricht, Leiden, Groningen, each place has offered me something new but I really do not know what will materialize in coming days. I am open to them all.
I am officially going to be homeless on 31st March by 12 noon as our Journey to Padova starts on 2nd April. I am not sure yet, which city will I spend my last two nights in. Choice needs to be made. But before that, I need to move my belongings. Some things might remain with a friend in Amsterdam, my books and my bike will probably find refuge in Leiden, my cooking world and guitar will make its way to Groningen. There is a song about 'suitcase in Berlin', I have my suitcases all over the place and interestingly, I feel I have no home any more.
I want to visit Leuven before heading to Italy. I want to spend time with my angel and gray lotuses in Begijnhof. I want to cook Indian food with my dear friend Lee. I want to visit Holy Spirit Collage for one last time, may be should make a confession for all my sinful behavior.... Leuven, to be honest, though it was not the best time of my life, I do miss Leuven, not so much fr the city but for the warmth, love and affection that I received from these leuveners. The warmth that helped me tide over extreme cold phase in my personal life.
I never thought my dream of visiting Italy will come true so soon, now when it is just round the corner, i have questions in my mind. Yes dreams do come true but one must be able to accept the change life circumstances that go hand in hand with dreams coming true. I really want to accept my changed life circumstances and be open to its ever changing nature. Life has to move on, not just in literal way but also in metaphysical way... see, I told you I am studying ethics these days.. words like metaphysical, phenomenological, deontological and so on have already made place in my vocabulary.
Thank you all for being my strength, hope and reason to live on...