Thursday, May 2, 2013

The wounded storm....

Some wounds are deceptive.
Never know how deep they are.
Are they rounded and soft?
Or uneven in their depth and reach?

Also don't go on their size.
Small can be quite malignant.
and large ones easy to deal.
Just accept each one as it is
and hope that each will eventually heal.

For the longest time
you wont even know you are wounded.
But that is not such a big deal..
what is more unsettling is
when apparently healed one starts to bleed.

The pain which never existed
comes down haunting at you.
you wonder what triggered it
what mistake did you do...

It is like a storm
that builds quite silently..
it grows larger and larger
till it finds its release..

This morning I felt quite strong and sunny..
and thought I was ready to bloom.
But life looks different now..
just like the storm in the air with all its gloom..

I know I cant be what I once dreamt for..
but is that the end of joy...
I wont let it be the end of joy...
the question remains..
why this, why now?

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